Types of Managed Funds
The principal role of the UH Foundation is to manage endowed gifts. An endowed gift is one made by a donor with the intent that the gift be maintained in perpetuity, and invested so that the income or gains from the endowment may be distributed in the manner stipulated by the donor.
For example, a donor may contribute $25,000 to endow a scholarship for a chosen College at one of the UH universities. That gift is then included in our pooled endowment, with professional investment management. A growth in value of the endowment provides annual income to be used for the scholarship. The investment goals are to at least maintain the value of the original $25,000 gift and to be able to distribute earned income.
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The Foundation manages approximately 330 individually-named endowed funds. During fiscal year 2023, the Foundation disbursed $7.6 million to/or on behalf of the universities.
Short Term Cash
Donors may contribute a gift to be used in its entirety in the near future. Those funds are held by the Foundation until the desired distribution date.
Planned Giving and Charitable Gift Annuities
For information regarding establishing a new Chartibale Gift Annuity, or to learn How to Contribute to University of Houston Foundation, please visit the Giving page.